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The first thing you should do is to collect the information you have about your biological parents: all the documents that were given to your adoptive parents in the moment of your adoption.
With these documents in hand we can make the study of the possibilities we have to start searching. Within the next 3 working days from the reception of your documents, we will send you the analysis answer and will explain you how we can direct our objective.
If the answer is positive, we can start collecting the most important information that will permit us to start with this exhaustive work. Since the day we agree to make your search, you will receive a report via e-mail, if is possible every week, about the process and the new information that we have found to approach us to our objective: your biological family.
This will let you know about the process and you will feel, with us, the emotion of the work that Colombiatupais does for you. It is important that you bear in mind that all the cases are different and the way to deal with them too. However we have contacts in some strategic points that will help us to reach the encounter of your family.